Predator Aion Private Server
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Predator Aion Private Server
Welcome to Predator Aion The Ultimate PVP Server

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By signing into our server you agree to our rules and policies, these include although are not limited to:

No hacking, third-party software, or exploiting.
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Not following our rules will result in jail time or an account ban depending on the case. There are no second chances.
Predator Aion Private Server
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GUIDE - No Game Server is available to the authorization server (6)

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GUIDE - No Game Server is available to the authorization server (6) Empty GUIDE - No Game Server is available to the authorization server (6)

Post  renato1998 Tue Aug 26, 2014 2:19 pm

This error can be caused by multiple issues on your PC.

  1. Client Error  
            Open the Official NCSoft Aion Launcher (the new one! not the old one!) and repair your client. Then, redownload the Predator files from the website and reinstall it.

  2. Antivirus/Firewall Blocking your client
            Completely disable your antivirus shields and firewall, just an exception won't work!
Please be aware that this procedure will leave your PC unprotected so be careful and don't roam any dangerous places in the Internet while in this state!!!

  3. Razer Game Booster
            This program has been proved incompatible with this game, even in the official servers, and somehow won't allow you to connect to the servers. Right-click on it's symbol in the Windows Sidebar and click on «Exit».

This will probably make your client work but if it doesn't, then keep looking in Google for another solutions! Sometimes a tiny harmless program in your computer (like Razer Game Booster) will leave your client dysfunctional.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-06-27

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