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By signing into our server you agree to our rules and policies, these include although are not limited to:
No hacking, third-party software, or exploiting.
Be respectful to the staff all the times and your fellow players.
Make sure you understand our rules & regulations.
Not following our rules will result in jail time or an account ban depending on the case. There are no second chances.
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Predator Aion Private Server
Welcome to Predator Aion The Ultimate PVP Server
The administrator may have required you to register before you can view this forum page.
By signing into our server you agree to our rules and policies, these include although are not limited to:
No hacking, third-party software, or exploiting.
Be respectful to the staff all the times and your fellow players.
Make sure you understand our rules & regulations.
Not following our rules will result in jail time or an account ban depending on the case. There are no second chances.
Predator Aion Private Server
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