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Predator Aion Private Server
Welcome to Predator Aion The Ultimate PVP Server

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Predator Aion Private Server
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Predator Armor class champion tournement registration

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Predator Armor class champion tournement registration Empty Predator Armor class champion tournement registration

Post  lerin Tue May 27, 2014 2:52 pm

3 tourneys will be taken place per race at 1-2 am forum time
The catagoys are as follows
Those who wish to participate write your
and Race

For the tourney to take place there needs to be at least players registered into 1 tourney  for example 8 elyos players register for cloth the tourrney then it will be able takes place.
you may not register on more then 1 char or on an entirley diffrent account
you must use the same for the entire set of events
dp is not allowed




Posts : 3
Join date : 2013-04-22

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